Dip your hand in the water.
What is below?
Dip your hand in the mirror.
What is behind?
Dip your hand in the matrix.
What is beyond?
Like a mindwurm . . . the image persists.
The persistence of image.
A DreamI am climbing a staircase. The height is dizzying.
I am exhausted.
I come to stairs' end . . . A Childhood's End.
I can see the other side, but I cannot straddle the distance in between. The chasm is too large.
Then I look behind me.
The rest of the stairs were there all the time, but they were invisible to me.
Like that Indiana Jones movie,
the stairs were there all the time, but I did not see them.
YOU cannot see them, but the stairs are there.
The entire basis for the motion picture industry
Is the chasm too large?