Earworm || Ohrwurm || Mindwurm Part Four || POSTED: 02.27.06 @12:26
Virus Found in Prostate Cancer Patients
By PAUL ELIAS The Associated Press Friday, February 24, 2006; 10:21 PM http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/02/24/AR2006022400234.html
“… planted nagging suspicions in the minds of scientists that some diseases may play important roles alongside genetics, environment and chance in causing breast, stomach and several other forms of cancer.”
SAN FRANCISCO -- Researchers said Friday (2/24/06) they have found a virus in the prostates of some cancer patients, a remarkable discovery that may suggest disease could play a role alongside genetics and the environment in causing this cancer.
The virus, closely related to one previously found only in mice, was found in cancerous prostates removed from men with a certain genetic defect. The findings open new avenues for studying the most common major cancer among men in the United States.
The researchers, with the University of California, San Francisco, and the Cleveland Clinic, presented the findings at an American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting in San Francisco. They warn that they have not found any links between the virus and prostate cancer, but they are nonetheless excited about prospects for future research.
"We have made a very fascinating discovery never before seen in humans that is very similar to one found in a mammal that causes cancer," Dr. Eric Klein of the Cleveland Clinic said at a news conference. "But we have not proven this virus causes prostate cancer."
Infectious disease-causing viruses are already blamed for some liver cancers and cervical cancer. That has planted nagging suspicions in the minds of scientists that some diseases may play important roles alongside genetics, environment and chance in causing breast, stomach and several other forms of cancer.
"We haven't really been thinking along those lines," said Dr. Anthony Zietman, a radiation oncologist at Massachusetts General Hospital. "This is an interesting finding that will take off in a whole new direction."
Continue to part five